Sunday 6 December 2020

Astrognome 100 Great Stars No 93 Vega



The second brightest star in the northern hemisphere, Vega is in the constellation of Lyra the Lyre. Vega is overhead during summer months it is the brightest of the 3 stars that form the summer triangle. From the south of England it is circumpolar which means it can be see all year round and it never sets although it is very close to the horizon when at its lowest.

Vega shines at a magnitude of zero and lies at a distance of 25 light years. It is an A0 class star which means it is hotter than our Sun. Its name Vega means the Harp Star. Due to the wobbling or precession of the Earth in about 9,000 years time Vega will become the North Star.

Vega was the first star to ever be photographed On the night of 16-17 July 1850by John William Draper at Harvard Observatory with the 15 inch refractor. The exposure time was 100 seconds.

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