Friday 26 July 2024

Observatory vandalised in 1887

 Wallington & Carshalton Herald Saturday 09 July 1887



To the Editor of The Herald 

Sometime night my Observatory was  broken into and the equatorial astronomical telescope mounted there was completely ruined, the object glass,  good one by Wray. Was stolen. and all the adjusting and clamping screws removed and taken away. 

These things, of course, have  little or no value in themselves apart from the instrument, but  without them the whole machine with all its lenses and accessories, which I kept  for greater safety in the house. is utterly useless. Such wanton mischief ought somehow to be exposed. 

I regret to say that this is not the first time I have had reason to complain, for hardly a month has passed during the year without some damage being done to the observatory itself; it is of very light structure. made of wood and covered with the Patent Willesden Card.  and has successfully stood the 'heavy  snow falls and storms of the past winter, but has not been proof against the sticks and stones which has frequently been sent through it. 

The observatory stands in but perhaps too near the footpath across the lavender field from which the  mischief has been done. 

I never expect that my loss can be replaced, it would be no easy matter to get the  missing parts, probably scattered in the lavender field re made, and a new instrument, even if I could afford to buy it, could never have the associations and interesting early study. 

But what can be said for this wanton spirit of destruction, which would have been counted a disgrace, even by the most uncivilised races of the world. 

However let the people of Wallington know what sort they have in their midst to deal with, and be on their guard, for what can be safe?

I am yours faithfully


John  H Haslam 

Penden, Wallington, July 5th



Thursday 25 July 2024

Japanese launch their first weather rocket in 1964

 On July 22nd 1964 the Japanese launch their first weather rocket, 25 feet long and produced by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries the vehicle was launched from the National Space Development Centre on Niijima. It reached an altitude of 100 miles.


Wednesday 24 July 2024

The first person to look through a telescope at the Moon was Thomas Harriot, not Galileo

 Everyone knows that Galileo (1564-1642) was the first person to use a telescope to look at the night sky, its what all the astronomy books tell is, right? Actually no that’s wrong!! 

The first person to make a drawing of the Moon was by the English astronomer Thomas Harriot (1560-1621). Harriot made his drawing on July 26th 1609 Galileo made his on November 30th 1609, four months before Galileo. So what’s going on? 

I am not only the Rambling Astronomer, I also find myself sometimes becoming an astro- detective trying to solve astronomical mysteries. 

Here is one of those mysteries: 

Harriot by the time he observed the Moon was was already a well know scientist and mathematician. He was supported in his work by the Earl of Northumberland, Henry Percy, a cousin of one of the gun powder plotters. In fact Harriot would get arrested for a short while. He was trying to keep a low profile at this time he did not want to get labelled as on of the gunpowder plotters so shouting and drawing attention to himself about making the first astronomical observation through a telescope would presumably attracted some attention. It could of course be the wrong kind of attention. He seemed happy with his observations and left it at that. 

Harriot died in 1621 and his papers seem to get lost, they were not re discovered until 1784 by Franz Xaver Zach an Austrian astronomer. He was appointed as tutor to the son of Count de Bruhl who was sent to England as Saxon Minister. While in England Zach visited the Egremont estates in Petworth in Sussex which had been part of the country estate of the Duke of Northumberland. Zach found Harriot’s manuscripts hidden among of all things the stable accounts. 

Franz Xaver Zach would go onto form the celestial police trying to locate an imaginary planet between Mars and Jupiter. He planned to form a group of astronomers who would be known as the  the celestial police, however  before they started observing the Italian astronomer Piazzi discovered beat them too it. He discovered  the first minor planet or asteroid, Ceres on January 1st 1801.This area of the solar system is what is now know today as the asteroid belt. Ceres has since been reclassified as as a dwarf planet. 

Zach forwarded Harriot’s papers onto Oxford University in 1794 but due to a catalogue of errors Harriot's achievements including his  observation of the Moon were never published and he never got the credit he deserved. Today however scholars are trying to give Harriot the credit he is due for his observations of amongst other things the Moon. 

So the next time you read an astronomy book that says it was Galileo who made the first astronomical drawing while looking through a telescope it wasn’t .That credit should go to Thomas Harriot, a somewhat forgotten English astronomer. 

Or were there even earlier observations that have either been lost or have not yet been found?.


Monday 22 July 2024

The Astronomy Show

 Join me, Martin Lunn MBE tonight and every Monday evening from 7.00 pm-9.00 pm on the Astronomy Show on Drystone Radio , probably the only regular astronomy show on any radio station in the country.


I will take my weekly look at the night sky and look at all the latest news in astronomy. There will be the astronomical anniversaries this week plus the A-Z of Constellations .


The Astronomy Show every Monday evening only on Drystone Radio live on line at DAB radio in Bradford and East Lancashire, or 102 and 103.5 FM and can also be heard later on the Drystone Radio Podcast.

The Bazeley Cooke telescope and Joseph Baxendell

 In July 1867 the polymath Thomas Bazeley purchased a 6 inch telescope from Thomas Cooke & Sons, the telescope cost £365 (today this would be over £45,000) . In 1877 Bazeley donated the telescope to Joseph Baxendell.


Baxendell was a prolific variable star observer and in fact discovered around 20 new variable stars, including the nova T Corona Borealis in 1866, this would later become known as the Blaze Star because it went novae again in 1846.


This 6 inch Cooke would allow him to continue his variable star work. Bazley also supplied the timber structure for the telescope. Baxendell renamed his house at 14, Liverpool Road, Birkdale, The Observatory.


Sunday 21 July 2024

First comet to be discovered during a solar eclipse in 418CE

 On July 19th 418 CE the first reported discovery of a comet during an eclipse of the Sun. The comet was seen by the historian Philostorgius from Constantinople. The comet itself would then be observed for around four months afterwards.

The eclipse was visible from the Caribbean and ended in Northern India.


Friday 19 July 2024

Cooke equatorial mounting for Cambridge in 1868

 The Rev William Kinglsey of Cambridge in 1858 ordered a  Universal equatorial mounting to carry a foot tube, with a 3 and 5/8 inch diameter.

I think that the Rev Kingsley invented an illuminator to be used with the microscope. It was I believe first used commercially by Andrew Ross around 1848.


Thursday 18 July 2024

Small Thomas Cooke telescope for Hampshire in 1868

  J. Hullett of Clarence Lodge, Purbrook, Cosham, Hampshire who in 1868 purchased  a 2.75 inch refractor, which I would assume would have been mounted on a small tripod. 


Wednesday 17 July 2024

Full Thunder Moon on July 21st

 The full moon in July is known as the Thunder Moon as this is the month of the year when we are most likely to get thunderstorms. The full moon in July this year will be on Sunday 21st .

There are normally 12 full moons in a year, each has its own name. The 13th full moon is the Blue Moon.

Today particularly within the press the American names tend to be used. These names are only about 200 hundred years old. I much prefer to use the old English names that were crested during the monastic period of history. These names date back over 1,200 years. 

There are 4 seasons during a year with 3 full moons within each season. The monks named each with either a religious theme or a theme that fitted in with agriculture or the time of year.


Tuesday 16 July 2024

Explorer Satellite lasted 5 seconds in 1959

 The attempted launch of an Explorer Satellite on 16 July 1959 failed dramatically when the Juno II lost control almost immediately at lift off, performing a cartwheel before the range safety officer sent the destruct command. The mission lasted around 5 seconds

The almost fully fuelled booster crashed a few hundred feet from the pad, blockhouse crews watching in stunned surprise at the upper stage motors burning on the ground.

The cause of the mishap was quickly traced to a short between two diodes in a power inverter, which cut off power to the guidance system at lift off and caused the Juno's engine to gimbal to full stop, flipping the vehicle onto its side before Range Safety action was taken.


Monday 15 July 2024

The Astronomy Show

 Join me, Martin Lunn MBE tonight and every Monday evening from 7.00 pm-9.00 pm on the Astronomy Show, probably the only regular astronomy show on any radio station in the country. 

I will take my weekly look at the night sky and look at all the latest news in astronomy. There will be the astronomical anniversaries this week plus the A-Z of Constellations .

The Astronomy Show every Monday evening only on Drystone Radio live on line at DAB radio in Bradford and East Lancashire, or 102 and 103.5 FM and can also be heard later on the Drystone Radio Podcast.

A Thomas Cooke telescope in Poland

 In Warsaw in 1898 an observatory was established in an observatory a short distance north west of the university there. The observatory had originally belonged to the Polish amateur astronomer Jan Walery Jedrzejewicz (1835-1887) at Plonsk in central Poland. 

Among the equipment in the observatory was a 5 inch Thomas Cooke & Sons telescope. Among the objects that Jedrzejewicz observed were double stars, sunspots, lunar occultations and the positions of 16 comets.


Sunday 14 July 2024

The Moon close to Antares on July 17th

 On Wednesday July 17th 2024 if the sky is clear it will be possible to see a bright red star just to the right of the Moon. This is the star Antares, the brightest star in the constellation of Scorpius the Scorpion.

In mythology it was the Scorpion that killed Orion the Hunter. While Orion was boasting to a large crowd of people of all the animals he had killed he did not see the little scorpion creep up behind him. The scorpion stung him on the ankle and killed him. However the gods were so impressed with Orion’s boasting that he was placed in the sky forever as was the Scorpion. To make sure that they could never meet again Orion was placed in the winter sky while we find the scorpion in the summer sky.

Antares is a red supergiant star which is so big that all the planets out to the orbit of Mars could fit inside the star if it was placed where our Sun is. Antares is around 550 light years away, this means that the light travelling at the speed of light left Antares about the year 1474.

You will notice that Antares looks red, in fact it is often known as the Rival of Mars because of its red colour. The colours of stars tell astronomers how hot or cool a star is. Stars that are blue or white in colour are much hotter than stars that are orange or red in colour.


Saturday 13 July 2024

Thomas Cooke telescope in Nelson New Zealand

 Arthur Samuel Atkinson was born in Hurworth, Durham in 1833 and moved to New Zealand in 1853. He fought during the Taranaki war in 1860 and eventually he entered the legal profession but had a great love of astronomy. 

In 1882 he was asked by the Royal Society of London to be an official observer of the Transit of Venus. To do this he obtained a 5 inch Thomas Cooke & Sons telescope which I believe he purchased second hand. He also used it to observe the total eclipse of the Sun in 1885. 

The telescope was housed in an observatory in Nelson which is on the south island of New Zealand and was originally called the Atkinson Observatory. In 1982 a newer building was opened and in 2008 the observatory was renamed the Cawthron Atkinson Observatory after the wealthy benefactor Thomas Cawthron. 

The Cooke 5 inch telescope was officially retired from active use in 2017 and was placed in a new Cawthron Trust Institute building for people to look at. The Cooke was replaced by a celestron 14 inch telescope.


Friday 12 July 2024

Venus observed from Corsica in 1934 with a Cooke telescope

During the early part of 1934  C V C Herbert made a series of observations of Venus from his small observatory at Carrosaccia, Corsica using a 4.5 inch Thomas Cooke & Sons telescope. Although only a small instrument the quality of the object glass and the steady atmosphere compensated for the small aperture. 

During March, April and May 1934 Venus was observed on 28 days. No surface markings were however noticed. On March 12th the seeing was for a short time superlative. 


Wednesday 10 July 2024

July 15th 1965 - The day the Martians died

 Mars, the red planet, 'the god of war', has fascinated people more than any other in the solar system because of the idea that we might find aliens there.


The debate over the Martian canals began in 1877 when the Italian astronomer Giovanni Schiaparelli first described seeing 'channels' on the planet. His word 'canalli' meaning channels was   mistranslated into 'canals', which some people took literally, assuming that if people built canals on Earth, canals on Mars must be built by Martians. Some astronomers disagreed, but the idea took hold.


The argument went on for the next 40 years or so. In 1894 the astronomer Percival Lowell built a large observatory at Flagstaff in Arizona to study the canals. There were polar caps on Mars which appear similar to those on Earth, and the theory was that as the ice melted, the water would flow through the canals. Lowell became the most vocal supporter of the idea of life on Mars and would write books and newspaper articles supporting his argument.


As our knowledge of Mars increased during the 20th century, the idea of Martians and their canals faded. By the 1950s and early 1960s it was still believed that there might be plants and lichens of the kind found in tundra on Earth, and maybe some small rodent-like creatures.


NASA's Mariner 4 space craft launched on November 28th 1964. This very successful mission was the first probe to fly past Mars, at a distance of 6,118 miles (9,846km) above the Martian surface. It was the first time close photographs of another planet were taken. Sadly, from this point onwards, 'Martians' were doomed.


Mariner 4 sent back twenty-one photographs, which were poor and grainy. However, this 1960s cutting edge technology was sufficient. Rather than showing tundra-like vegetation and lakes of icy water, the images indicated that Mars was covered in craters looked more like the Moon.


The idea of life on Mars resembling anything we know on Earth ended on this day.


Today astronomers are certain that there was once water on Mars. Could this mean that life existed there? Mariner 4 killed the Martians, but there are still a number of spacecraft orbiting Mars, and robots driving across its surface, trying to answer this tantalising question.








Cooke telescope at the base of the Himalayas in 1874

 Manchester Courier and Lancashire General Advertiser 

Friday 11th December 1874 

Transit of Venus 

This station (Roorkee) is in fact a contribution made by the Government of India at the suggestion of Colonel Tennant B.E, ( Bengal Engineers), who in and since 1865 has rendered valuable aid in the observations of many interesting astronomical phenomena visible in Indian territory, especially the total eclipse of 1868 and 1871. 

The suggestion of Colonel Tennant was at once warmly taken up by the viceroy in conjunction with the home government with a view to their future use in subsequent inquiries. The instruments sent out by Colonel Strange, of the India Stores Department are of the utmost precession and delicacy.   

The temporary observatory erected by Col. Tennant at Roorkee, the seat of the Indian Civil Engineering College at the foot of the Himalayas, now contain a refractor of 6 inch aperture made by T Cooke & Sons York.


Tuesday 9 July 2024

The Kodailkanal Observatory in India and a Cooke telescope

 The Kodailkanal Solar Physics Observatory in southern India undertook much work studying the Sun. If possible it was photographed every day using the 6 inch Thomas Cooke &Sons telescope. On the same mounting is a small telescope used for projecting an 8 inch image on a chart on which can be marked the positions of the spots and faculae visible on the day of observation.


In a separate building was a Thomas Cooke & Sons 12 inch photovisual telescope. Which is fixed horizontally and is supplied with sunlight by an 18 inch siderostat. Between the siderostat mirror and the photovisual can be placed other object glasses, which can be used to form solar images for use with the large grating spectrograph, the collimator of which is fixed horizontally at right angles to the beam of light from the siderostat.


The 12 inch Cooke forms an image of the Sun 60 mm in diameter on the split platen of the spectroheliograph.


Monday 8 July 2024

The Astronomy Show

 Join me, Martin Lunn MBE tonight and every Monday evening from 7.00 pm-9.00 pm on the Astronomy Show, probably the only regular astronomy show on any radio station in the country. 

I will take my weekly look at the night sky and look at all the latest news in astronomy. There will be the astronomical anniversaries this week plus the A-Z of Constellations .

The Astronomy Show every Monday evening only on Drystone Radio live on line at DAB radio in Bradford and East Lancashire, or 102 and 103.5 FM and can also be heard later on the Drystone Radio Podcast.

A Cooke telescope for Calcutta in 1903

 In 1903 Thomas Cooke & Sons of York supplied a 4.5 inch telescope to the Government Observatory in Calcutta, India. The head of the observatory was Mr Evershed, Attached to the telescope was a 5 inch Camera also supplied by Cookes.

The telescope was mounted on a Cooke iron pillar which were housed in a shed. This shed was mounted on wheels and rails that allowed it to be moved when the telescope was to be used.



Sunday 7 July 2024

Launch of a British Skylark in July 1964

 The first sounding rocket to be launched by the European Space Research Organisation, a British built Skylark is fired from the Sardinian base of Salto di Quirra on July 6th 1964. Two chemical release payloads were carried to support upper atmospheric research.


Saturday 6 July 2024

Jupiter observed from Canada in 1896 with Cooke telescopes

 Attempts were made on May 22nd 1896 at several points across Canada to observe the occultation of  a 9th magnitude star in Cancer by Jupiter. 

At the Toronto Observatory Mr F L Blake using the Cooke 6 inch refractor found the planet was too low in the sky for first class seeing, although the night was clear. 

Dr J C Donaldson of Fergus Ontario using a 3.25 inch Cooke & Sons refractor obtained a glimpse of the star, but the nearness to the horizon made observing very difficult. 

It is not known if any other observers further to the west observed the occultation.


Friday 5 July 2024

Happy Aphelion Day

On July 5, Earth is at aphelion, or farthest point from the Sun, on its yearly orbit. At aphelion Earth will be 94,510,539 million miles (152, 099,968 million km) from the Sun. In the northern hemisphere we are now experiencing summer. In January however, Earth was at Perihelion, its closest point to the Sun, being only 91,404,095  million miles (147,100,632 million km) away. The seasons are caused not by how close Earth is to the Sun, but by which hemisphere is tilted towards it. In July the northern hemisphere is tilted towards the Sun, while in January when Earth is closest to the Sun, the northern hemisphere is tilted away from it.


The Cooke telescope at the David Dunlop Observatory

 The University of Toronto’s David Dunlap observatory at Richmond Hill near Toronto, Canada today houses a 74 inch Grubb Parsons reflector that was installed in 1935. However there was a much older observatory in Toronto. 

This was the Toronto Magnetic and Meteorological Observatory at the University of Toronto which  housed a 6 inch Thomas Cooke & Sons telescope that was installed in 1880. The Cooke was used in particular for the study of sun spots in conjunction with magnetic measurements made at the observatory. I believe that the Cooke may have been used until around 1910.




Thursday 4 July 2024

How monks stopped people seeing the supernova of 1054

 How could an object brighter than the planet Venus not be recorded by astronomers in Britain or Western Europe? In the year 1054, before telescopes, a supernova was visible to the naked eye in daylight for at least three weeks, and for nearly two years after that in the night sky.

The supernova was reported by astronomers in China, Japan and the Arabic speaking world. Astronomers in these parts of the world were far more advanced in astronomical knowledge than their European counterparts, but that doesn't explain why something easily seen was not recorded in Western countries.

So, what was going on? It would be wrong to believe that the supernova was not seen in Europe, because clearly, it was. The answer probably lies with the people holding the power. Monks had astronomical knowledge and the wherewithal to record the event. Monasteries were the seat of knowledge and power in Europe at this time and had sufficient control to decide what became news – and what did not. Did the monks suppress reports of this spectacular occurrence, and if so, why?

It was on July 4th 1054 that a star in the constellation of Taurus the Bull destroyed itself in what astronomers call a supernova. The remnants of this star are now known as the Crab Nebula. This was a spectacular and rare event: the last bright supernova we are aware of was in 1604.

In 1843 the Earl of Rosse named the Crab Nebula, observing it through a 36-inch telescope from his observatory at Birr Castle, Ireland. He clearly had some imagination because it is not easy to see the image of a crab in the nebula. Today, astronomers can see the remains of the destroyed star at a distance of around 6,500 light years.

The nebula is also known as M1, or Messier 1. This name comes from a catalogue of objects drawn up by the 18th century French astronomer Charles Messier. He spent his time searching for comets, discovering around a dozen, none of them very spectacular. During his search he came across over a hundred 'comet lookalikes'. To avoid confusion in future searches for comets, he drew up a list of 'non-comet objects'. This 'Messier list' is still of great use to astronomers as they explore and study the constellations.

At the time of the1054 supernova, monasteries were the seats of learning, with massive libraries and people who could read and write. They had already become very wealthy institutions. This was not a deliberate policy as they were built originally for purely religious studies, but they had many bequests of land and money left to them by rich lords and barons.

Monasteries studied many subjects in addition to religion, astronomy among them. The monks followed the teaching and ideas of Aristotle (384 BCE- 322BCE) from ancient Greece. One of his ideas would cause trouble for over 1800 years.

Aristotle developed the 'geocentric' view of the solar system, where the Earth was accepted as the centre of everything, with the Sun, Moon and planets orbiting around it. This geocentric view would only be changed in 1543 by Nicolas Copernicus, a Polish monk. His theory placed the Sun at the centre to give us the 'heliocentric' view. Although not everything Copernicus said was correct, he made massive strides in the right direction.

Aristotle also said that everything in space moved in circles. The circle was seen as a 'perfect' shape, and the heavens, of course, had to be perfect. We now know objects in the solar system move in ellipses rather than circles.

Aristotle’s idea that the heavens were perfect and unchanging caused trouble with both the 1054 supernova and that of 1181. When people saw the new star appear they went to the monasteries because they were the centres of learning, and the monks would know what was going on. At least that is what people thought.

To the monks, however, the supernova posed an irreconcilable problem. They could not admit that there was a new star. They had told everyone that the heavens were perfect and unchanging. Consequently, people living close to the monasteries were convinced, by the monks, that there was nothing there. Although they could see this new star, the monks had such authority that the people believed them when they were told that this was the work of the devil, trying to corrupt their minds.

Today, this is the prevailing theory as to why an event recorded in many parts of the world was ignored in Europe. It simply did not fit in with the accepted view of the most learned people; the monks in the monasteries, and thus power came to define knowledge.


Wednesday 3 July 2024

Bloodhound removed from service in UK in 1964

 Because manned aircraft are no loner a major threat to the UK's defences the Bloodhound Mk1 is being withdrawn from operation. This was announce on July 3rd 1964 by Mr Hugh Fraser, Minister for Defence for the RAF at RAF Newton, Notts. As the status quo is different overseas Mr Fraser said that the greatly improved Mk 2 Bloodhound is being placed in service abroad by the RAF at several locations.


Tuesday 2 July 2024

The Rothschild's Cooke telescope

 A report from 1889 says that Baron Albert von Rothschild’s observatory within the precincts of his palace is a bijou. A splendid equatorial by Thomas Cooke & Sons with a 9 inch aperture, to which the Baron has fitted notions of his own. Observations of double stars are made by him, and astronomers may in a year or two receive published results. Dr Palisa is the Baron’s court astronomer.


Monday 1 July 2024

The Astronomy Show

 Join me, Martin Lunn MBE tonight and every Monday evening from 7.00 pm-9.00 pm on the Astronomy Show, probably the only regular astronomy show on any radio station in the country. 

I will take my weekly look at the night sky and look at all the latest news in astronomy. There will be the astronomical anniversaries this week plus the A-Z of Constellations.

 The Astronomy Show every Monday evening only on Drystone Radio live on line at DAB radio in Bradford and East Lancashire, or 102 and 103.5 FM and can also be heard later on the Drystone Radio Podcast.

Occultation of Saturn in 1917 seen with a Cooke telescope from Australia

 Ernest Wunderlich at the Wyone Observatory, Port Hacking which is about 14 miles south of Sydney observed the occultation of Saturn by the moon on March 14th 1917. The telescope used was a 4.5 inch Thomas Cooke & Sons telescope.  

The sky was at the commencement of occultation was, owing to slight haze, rather more luminous than usual, and this caused the loss of the “inner edge of ring” and “first limb” of the ball at ingress. At egress the definition was all that could be desired, but the first edge of ring was decidedly outside the Moon’s illuminated edge before it was noticed, and thus was “lost”.


Friday 28 June 2024

June 30th 1954: The Forgotten British Eclipse


June 30th 1954: The Forgotten British Eclipse


An eclipse of the Sun is one of the most awesome sights in nature. The Moon passes in front of the Sun, and where its shadow falls on the Earth, day becomes night for a brief time. The most recent eclipse of the Sun,on April 8th 2024, was visible from parts of Mexico, the United States of America and Canada. 

We are often told that that the last total eclipse of the Sun visible from the UK was in 1999 and before that, 1927. Most reports forget the British eclipse on June 30th 1954, when totality was visible from Unst, the most northerly of the Shetland Islands, and northern Yell. A large partial eclipse was seen in other parts of Scotland, where weather permitted. 

The 70th anniversary seems a good time to tell the story of this event, which was the first total eclipse seen in Scotland since 1699. 

The path of totality started in northern Canada, passing over Greenland, Iceland, the Faroe islands and the Shetlands. It continued through southern Scandinavia, and northern Europe before ending in north eastern India. With the exception of the northern Shetlands, Scotland was to experience a partial eclipse. 

The eclipse was watched by professional and amateur astronomers from land, sea and in the air. Many Europeans chose Scandinavia, but over two hundred people made their way to Unst, travelling in the ferry 'Earl of Zetland', a small coaster which served the Shetlands until the 1970s. 

The ferry set off at 7am from Lerwick, on the mainland. It called at the islands of Whalsay and Fetlar, and the harbours of  Mid Yell and Uyeasound on the island of Yell, reaching the pier at Baltasound on the island of Unst at noon, in good time for the eclipse which would begin at twenty-five past one. The passengers included  excited school children from Lerwick Central School and Brough School, Whalsay. 

Some passengers stayed on board to watch the eclipse while others tried to reach Norwick, the most northerly hamlet in the UK. Most failed due to a lack of available transport. 

The weather on the morning of the eclipse was extremely wild; 60 mph winds and showers of sleet and rain blowing in the faces of the stoical eclipse chasers. Amazingly enough, breaks in the clouds opened up just as the eclipse started. 

Two Manchester Astronomical Society members, both Fellows of the Royal Astronomical Society, Kenneth Brieley and Gerald Marlowe, saw the eclipse from the very best vantage point. They had travelled to Unst overland. Starting in Manchester they had to take four different coaches and two small ferries, with the intention of meeting up with a larger group of British Astronomical Association members at Baltasound. They never did meet the group,  but saw the eclipse while their peers missed it. 

Brierley and Marlowe were guests of Mr & Mrs Sinclair of The Hau, Skaw, Unst, the  most northerly house in the UK. There they met up with a BAA member, Dr R H G Lyne-Pirkis, and his wife. Dr Lyne-Pirkis had arranged to watch from the headland at Skaw, where there were some disused war-era buildings for shelter. The intrepid Manchester astronomers joined the doctor, his wife, and Mr & Mrs Sinclair, on the morning of the eclipse. 

Dr Lyne-Pirkis had a 3.5 inch telescope, together with a camera on a tripod. The two Manchester astronomers were equipped with binoculars. 

Despite the wild weather the cloud thinned and the corona, or outer part of the atmosphere of the Sun, became visible. It was much brighter than expected, and a beautiful arc of bright prominences covered about one sixth of the Sun’s southern edge. 

A feature known as 'Bailey’s Beads' was seen. Named after the English astronomer Francis Bailey, who saw them during the eclipses of 1836 and 1842, the bright 'beads' are caused by sunlight shining through the mountain  ranges around the edge of the Moon.

 For the small group of watchers on the windswept and remote cliff top, the total eclipse could hardly have been more dramatic. They waited, with nothing but the churning sea in front of them.  The gale howled in their ears, but they could still hear the shrieks of a large flock of gulls wheeling around above them. As the eclipse began,  nearby sheep lay down or ran around, as if not knowing what to do, and the Sinclair’s hens headed for their roost in confusion. During totality, which lasted two minutes, the land and sea changed colour, and the group stood, cloaked in the eerie purple darkness, experiencing one of nature's most awesome spectacles on the very edge of Britain. 

Local residents saw the eclipse through gaps in the clouds at Norwick and Haroldswick between two and four miles south of Skaw. Mrs Mort of Norwick reported seeing the whole eclipse, including the corona and 'flames' around the edge of the Sun, looking into the windscreen of her husband’s lorry. At Baltasound, where the Earl of Zetland was berthed, the eclipse was briefly seen through cloud. The captain of the ferry noted that during totality there was a temperature drop of nine degrees. 

The 'Shetland News' noted that many of the scientists ignored local advice about the best places to view the eclipse. The BAA group arrived at Baltasound, where they were advised against going to Saxavord, the highest hill on Unst. They headed for the heights anyway, where they were engulfed in the habitual low cloud and didn’t see anything. Interestingly, Saxavord is now home to a  new UK space port, and will be a future rocket launch site. 

The best way of seeing the 1954 eclipse was from the air. The Astronomer Royal Sir Harold Spencer Jones was the first holder of the post to see an eclipse in this way. He flew from RAF Leuchars in Fife, on the east coast of Scotland, in an RAF Hastings aircraft, and described it as a fascinating experience. 

Many distinguished astronomers and figures from industry saw the eclipse from a BOAC Hermes airliner, which was on a special training flight over the north of Scotland. The aircraft carried  photographic and scientific equipment to monitor the eclipse, and the pilot tipped the plane onto its side to allow all on board to get a good view. 

1954 saw the British eclipse that everyone forgot; nevertheless it was a rare and dramatic event, worthy of attention. The Shetlands won't see another total eclipse until the 3rd June 2133. Let's hope they get better weather!


Thursday 27 June 2024

Ideas to increase performance of Saturn 1B in 1964

 On the 26th June 1964 speaking at the Herman Oberth Society , T J Gordon assistant technical director at Douglas suggests various methods whereby the performance of the Saturn 1B could be uprated sufficiently to enable it to perform interplanetary missions with heavier payloads than possible at present.


Wednesday 26 June 2024

Thomas Cooke telescope used to observe Mars in 1909 from Australia

 James Nangle at Marrickville in New South Wales using a 6.25 inch telescope which I have recently discovered was a Thomas Cooke rather that a Thomas Cooke and Sons telescope observed Mars in 1909.

 He described the darkish areas to have a greenish tinge, with the Mars Cimmerium and Syrtis Major looking like the tops of trees in an Australian valley when seen from the top of a mountain. The northern snows were also well seen. There appeared none of the canals that had been drawn by Schiaparelli or Lowell.

 On almost all occasions when a great increase in definition was required a screen of mosquito net was placed immediately in front of the object glass. Such a screen is evidently a good idea, since it slightly reduces the glare without interfering with the separating power, that vital point in all detailed planetary observations.


Tuesday 25 June 2024

June 25th 1964 test flight of X15A-2

 On June 25th 1964 Major Bob Rushworth makes the first flight in the modified number two X-15 research rocket craft. In this flight , X-15A-2 reached a top speed of 2,966 mph and a maximum altitude of some 83,000 feet.

Before this flight the aircraft had undergone a mating checkout test flight in which it remained attached to the parent B52 (conducted June 11th ) , followed by a free fall flight to evaluate further the craft’s capabilities before a powered test.


Monday 24 June 2024

The unpredictable June Bootid Meteor Shower

 I know we are in summer and that it does not get dark until very late in the evening but there is the possibility of seeing one of the most unpredictable meteor showers of the year this week.

On the night of June 27th/28th the June Bootid meteor shower will be active. Normally not a very inspiring meteor shower, occasionally in the past  it has sprung surprises on astronomers. Could this happen this year?

A meteor shower is named after the constellation where all the meteors seem to start from, in this case the June Bootids are named after the constellation of Bootes the Herdsman

Meteor showers relate to comets which are dirty snowballs travelling around the Sun. They leave a trail of dust behind the, If the Earth passes through such a dust stream we see a meteor shower.

Some people however call them shooting stars, they are nothing to do with stars. They are simply grains of dust burning up in the Earth’s atmosphere.

The comet associated with the June Bootids is comet Pons Winnecke. On a normal year maybe 1 or 2 meteors per hour are seen, but there have been outbursts of meteor activity in 1916, 1921, 1927 and most recently in 1998 when around 100 meteors per hour were seen.


What about this year? We don’t know but if it is clear on the night of June 27th/28th have a look outside when its dark and if you see any meteors the chances are they are June Bootids,


The Astronomy Show

 Join me, Martin Lunn MBE tonight and every Monday evening from 7.00 pm-9.00 pm on the Astronomy Show, probably the only regular astronomy show on any radio station in the country. 

I will take my weekly look at the night sky and look at all the latest news in astronomy. There will be the astronomical anniversaries this week plus the A-Z of Constellations

 The Astronomy Show every Monday evening only on Drystone Radio live on line at DAB radio in Bradford and East Lancashire, or 102 and 103.5 FM and can also be heard later on the Drystone Radio Podcast.

Sunday 23 June 2024

P Eridanus and a Cooke telescope

 The star p Eridani (not rho) is one of the most interesting double stars in the southern hemisphere. It is a double stars that had been observed since 1826. 

 Two astronomers making observations up until 1908, Mr Nangle using a 6.5 inch telescope and Mr Hirst using a 4.5 inch telescope both made by Thomas Cooke & Sons of York, agree that the distance between the two components of p Eridani are getting closer.

 Today we know that the system contains 2 K class main sequence stars orbiting each other every 475 years.


Saturday 22 June 2024

New appointment at British Aircraft Company in 1964

 In June 1964 The British Aircraft Company announces that Mr A R Adams B.Sc (Encom) FCIS has been appointed secretary of the British Aircraft Company (Guided Weapons) Ltd.


Friday 21 June 2024

Alpha Centauri seen from Australia in 1906

 Alpha Centauri one of the leading double stars in the southern hemisphere was observed by G D Hirst using his 4.25 inch Cooke telescope and James Nangle using his 6.25 inch Cooke telescope in Australia in June and July 1906.




Thursday 20 June 2024

A Dark transit of Titan

On November 5th / 6th 1907 Mr A B Cobham and Mr G D Hirst using a 4.5 inch Thomas Cooke & Son telescope in Australia saw a dark spot on Saturn. This was afterwards ascertained to be Titan. 

They also both commented that they caught glimpse of the edge of the ring at flashes, the impression indicating the extreme fineness and delicacy of the rings when seen edgewise


Wednesday 19 June 2024

Partial solar eclipse My 25th 1900

The eclipse was observed using the G J Newbegin  9 inch Cooke telescope with a power of 75  by Mrs Newbegin and Rev T E R Phillips using the projection method. The image produced was 4.2 inches in diameter.


Tuesday 18 June 2024

Summer Solstice

 This month summer officially begins. At 9.50 pm on June 20 the Sun reaches its most northerly point in the sky, marking the instant in time known as the Northern Hemisphere's summer solstice. The nights will be at their shortest for the next few weeks, making it difficult to see the stars until very late in the evening. In the Southern Hemisphere of course, winter officially begins.

People will be at Stonehenge on the morning of June 21st as the Sun rises at 04.52 am

One things astronomers like about midsummer's day is that after this date the length of night time slowly begins to increase.


Monday 17 June 2024

The Astronomy show

 Join me, Martin Lunn MBE tonight and every Monday evening from 7.00 pm-9.00 pm on the Astronomy Show, probably the only regular astronomy show on any radio station in the country. 

I will take my weekly look at the night sky and look at all the latest news in astronomy. There will be the astronomical anniversaries this week plus the A-Z of Constellations.

The Astronomy Show every Monday evening only on Drystone Radio live on line at DAB radio in Bradford and East Lancashire, or 102 and 103.5 FM and can also be heard later on the Drystone Radio Podcast.


Moon close to Antares 'The Rival of Mars'

 It doesn’t get dark until late on June evenings but there are still some great things that can be seen in the sky with the naked eye.

Even on bright evenings the Moon cannot be missed and there is a great opportunity to see it either side of the bright red star Antares in the constellation of the Scorpion on the 19th and 20th of June.

As soon as it gets dark look to the south where you will see the Moon. On the 19th the Moon will be to the right of Antares while on the 20th it will be to the left.

Antares is always seen low in the sky from Britain which is a shame because it is a fantastic object in the sky. It I a red supergiant star. In fact it is so big that the orbits of the planets Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars could all fit inside the star. Antares is sometimes known as the ‘Rival of Mars’ because of its bright red hue.