Sat Dec 13th 2014.
The Astrognome Christmas tree has been put up today, only it's not a normal Christmas tree , but a large piece of twisted hazel from our garden. We used the same last year and we think it is pretty funky!! It was the idea of Mrs Astrognome!!
Saturday, 13 December 2014
Sunday, 7 December 2014
Astronomy Scrapbook Sunday December 7th 2014
On December 7th 1979 Cecilia Payne Gaposchkin died she was one of the greatest of all women astronomers .
Helena Payne-Gaposchkin(1900-1979) was a British-born astronomer who became an
authority on variable stars and the structure of the Milky Way Galaxy. She was
one of the first women to advance to the rank of professor at Harvard
University and the first woman to head a department there.
Helena Payne was born May 10, 1900, in Wendover, England. She entered Cambridge
University in 1919. As a woman in the field of astronomy, Payne met with many
obstacles. A prominent professor, Ernest Rutherford, whose work helped reveal
the structure of the atom, made fun of Payne as the only woman in his lectures,
making the male students laugh. Although she felt intimidated, her love of astronomy
ensured her success. She became a friend with young British astronomer Arthur
Stanley Eddington, who took her on as a tutorial student. Eddington went on to
pioneer in the investigation of the internal structure of stars.
completed her studies at Cambridge in 1923, earning a B.A. degree in 1923.
Since at that time a woman could only earn “the Title of a Degree,” Payne
sailed to the United States in 1923 to
seek greater opportunities. That year, she began studying at Radcliffe College,
a private liberal arts college for women in Cambridge, Massachusetts, with
close ties to Harvard University.
Not long
before Payne came to America, the director of the Harvard College Observatory,
Harlow Shapley, had started an astronomy program to encourage women to study at
the Observatory. She was the second student to study at the observatory. Payne
worked extensively at the Observatory, and Shapley became her thesis adviser.
In two years, she earned a Ph.D. degree in astronomy from Radcliffe, the first doctorate
awarded for research at the Harvard Observatory. Harvard had not yet
established a doctoral program in the field. She also became the first woman to
receive a doctorate in astronomy from Radeliffe.
Her work
dealt with atmospheres of stars. She submitted her Ph.D. thesis—which became
the book Stellar Atmospheres —-to Radcliffe College in 1925. Ukrainian-born
American astrophysicist Otto Struve called Payne's dissertation “undoubtedly
the most brilliant Ph.D. thesis ever written in astronomy.” Struve, who
contributed much to the study of stars, was known chiefly for his
investigations of the spectra of stars.
From 1927 to
1938, she worked as Shapley's technical assistant at the Harvard Observatory.
Shapley often kept Payne from using new electronic equipment, and he was
responsible for keeping her name out of the Harvard or Radcliffe catalogs. She
learned years later that he paid her salary out of “equipment expenses.” In
1934, the American astronomer Henry Norris Russell referred to Payne when he wrote
that the best candidate in America to be his successor at Princeton University
“alas, is a woman!” Russell was highly influential in the growth of theoretical
astrophysics in the United States and was director of the observatory at
Princeton University from 1912 to 1947. Neither Harvard nor Princeton would
have considered a woman faculty member.
Also in
1934, Payne married Russian-born Harvard astronomer and astrophysicist Sergei
Gaposchkin. They worked together on many variable star projects.
work at Harvard College Observatory remained unofficial and unacknowledged.
None of the courses she taught at Harvard were listed in the catalog until
1945. In addition, she saw how women did the grunt work in her field. In the
back rooms at the observatory, women laboured over the computations needed to
measure star locations and catalog volumes of other scientists' results. Some
of them had begun with high science talent, but had been discouraged in their
efforts. They could lose their jobs if they married or if they complained about
their low salaries.
Finally, in
1956, after a 31-year wait, Payne-Gaposchkin received the title of tenured
professor of astronomy at Harvard, a position she held until 1966. She was the
first woman to become a fully tenured professor at Harvard. At the same time,
she became the first woman department chair, heading Harvard's Department of
Astronomy from 1956 to 1960. Her own struggles as a woman in a field dominated
by men helped Payne-Gaposchkin become a strong supporter of young women
accomplishments in astronomy were numerous. She discovered the chemical
composition of stars. In particular, she discovered that hydrogen and helium
are the most abundant elements in stars and. therefore, in the universe. She
also determined stellar temperatures. She learned these things from detailed
study and analysis of the spectra of high luminosity stars. This involved analyzing light from stars in
distant galaxies by passing it through a prism, which broke it up into a
rainbow like band of colours called a spectrum. At one end of the spectrum of
visible light is red, the colour with the longest wavelength (distance between
successive wave crests). At the other end is violet, which has the shortest wavelength.
The spectrum of light sent out by any star has bright and dark lines that
indicate the composition of the star's outer layers and atmosphere. The
astronomers then compared the spectra of the light from the stars in the
distant galaxies with spectra of similar stars in our home galaxy, the Milky
observations and analyses of variable stars made by Payne-Gaposchkin and
Gaposchkin laid the foundation for all following work on variable stars and
their use for clues to the structure of stars. Variable stars are stars that
change their brightness. There are four main types: (1) pulsating variables,
(2) exploding stars (also called cataclysmic variables), (3) eclipsing
binaries, and (4) rotating stars.
variables change in brightness as they expand and contract. They pulsate every
few days to every 100 days. One type of pulsating variable is the Cepheid.
Astronomers also call these stars Cepheid variables because they discovered the
first one in the constellation Cepheus. Payne-Gaposchkin and other astronomers
could tell the distance to Cepheid variables by comparing the apparent
brightness of the stars with their luminosities. The discovery that other
galaxies are distant systems that are not part of the Milky Way was made by
observing cepheids.
stars burst unexpectedly with such tremendous energy that they hurl huge
amounts of gas and dust into space. One type of exploding star Payne-Gaposchkin
studied is called nova, plural novae. These stars become thousands of times
brighter than normal. This brightness may last for a few days or even years,
and then the star returns to its dim appearance. Some novae explode again and
again. Another type of exploding star, called a supernova, is thousands of
times as bright as an ordinary nova.
binaries are double stars, consisting of a pair of stars that move around each
other. The stars move in such a way that one periodically blocks the other's
light. This blocking reduces the total brightness of the two stars as seen from
the earth. Eclipsing binaries are only one kind of double star.
From 1966 to
1979, Payne-Gaposchkin remained an emeritus professor of Harvard, and from 1967
to 1979 she was a staff member of the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory.
She wrote many academic books and textbooks, as well as the popular Stars in
the Making (1952) and Stars and Clusters (1979). For 20 years, she edited the
publications of the Harvard Observatory, including the journals Bulletin,
Circular, and Annals, as well as books that appeared under the title of Harvard
colleges awarded Payne-Gaposchkin honorary degrees. The Royal Astronomical
Society elected her a member while she was still a student at Cambridge. She
also became a member of the American Astronomical Society, American
Philosophical Society, and American Academy of Arts and Sciences. She won a
National Research Council Fellowship; Graduate Medal of the Radcliffe Alumnae
Association; Annie Jump Cannon Award of the American Astronomical Society;
Henry Norris Russell Prize, American Astronomical Society; Award of Merit,
Radcliffe College; and the Rittenhouse Medal, Franklin Institute.
Payne-Gaposchkin died on Dec. 7, 1979.
Astronomy Scrapbook 7th December 2014
On December 7th 1905 astronomer Gerard Kuiper born
Kuiper was born in the Netherlands in 1905 and was educated at Leiden
University as an astronomer with a doctoral dissertation on binary stars. He
went to the United States in 1933 and obtained American citizenship in 1937. He
is best known for suggesting that there is an asteroid belt beyond Neptune.
This is the area of the solar system we now call the "Kuiper Belt".
Kuiper is regarded by many as the father of modern planetary science. He is
well known for his many discoveries, including:
•1947: He
correctly predicted carbon dioxide is a major component of the atmosphere of
•1947: He
correctly predicted the rings of Saturn are composed of particles of ice.
•1947: He
discovered Miranda, the fifth moon of Uranus.
•1949: He
discovered Nereid orbiting Neptune.
•1949: He
proposed an influential theory of the origin of our solar system, suggesting
that the planets had formed by the condensation of a large cloud of gas around
the sun.
•1951: He
proposed the existence of what is now called the Kuiper Belt, a disk-shaped
region of minor planets outside the orbit of Neptune, which also is a source of
short-period comets.
•1956: He
proved that Mars' polar icecaps are composed of frozen water and not of carbon
dioxide as they had been previously assumed.
•1964: He
predicted what the surface of the Moon would be like to walk on -- "like
crunchy snow". This was verified by astronaut Neil Armstrong in 1969.
His work
laid the foundation for the spacecraft missions of the late 20th and early 21st
played an influential role in the development of infrared airborne astronomy in
the 1960s and 1970s. In 1967 the NASA four engine jet Convair 990 aircraft with
an onboard telescope became available for infrared studies at an altitude of
40,000 feet. He used it extensively for spectroscopy of the sun, stars, and
planets, discovering things about them that could not be found from
ground-based observatories. In 1974 The
Kuiper Airborne Observatory was named in his honour.
He worked at
Lick Observatory, Harvard, Yerkes Observatory of the University of Chicago and
the University of Arizona. The Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, a research and
educational unit in which many planetary scientists have been trained, was
established under his guidance at the University of Arizona.
Kuiper died in 1973 from a heart attack while on holiday in Mexico. He was 68.
Friday, 5 December 2014
Little Gnome Astronomical fact #13
The Before Yule Moon
The full Moon this month which occurs on December 6th
is called the Before Yule Moon. Tradition says that between the full Moon in
December and the feast of Yule on December 21st people had to go into the
forest to chop down a tree to get their Yule Log to burn over the Christmas
Each full Moon of the year has its own special name. The
December full moon is the 'Before Yule Moon'. The full moon this month occurs
on December 6th.
Tradition says that between the full Moon in December and
the feast of Yule on December 21st people had to go into the forest to chop
down a tree to get their 'Yule Log' to burn over the Christmas period. The kindling
used to light the fire would be embers from the previous year’s Yule Log.
Monday, 17 November 2014
The Astrognome #3
There is a lot going on in space at the moment, the Rosetta mission is exploring Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, the Curiosity rover is on Mars together with a small armada of space craft which are orbiting the Red Planet. There are probes watching the Sun and studying the changing climate of the Earth.
Mars Today pod at University of York |
If you are thinking about a space exhibition for the future, take a look at the Astrognome website, and if you want to see what an example of an Astrognome pod looks like, the Mars Today pod (see attached image) will be at the European Space Education Resource Office (ESERO) at the STEM centre at the University of York until the end of November.
If you would like to discuss the possibilities of an Astrognome exhibition visiting your museum please contact me.
The Astrognome
Astronomy Scrapbook Monday 17th November 2014
November 17th 1970 Lunokhod lands on the Moon
The Americans used astronauts and moon buggies to explore the surface of the Moon. The Russians decided that they would send unmanned remote controlled rovers to the Moon. In much the same way that the surface of Mars is being explored today by the Curiosity rover.
The Lunokhod looks very strange by to-days standards however it was the first remote controlled robot rover to travel on an astronomical body beyond the Earth.
It looked like a giant saucepan on 8 wheels it was 2.3 meters long and carried many pieces of equipment to study the Moon. The Lunokhod landed in the Sea of Rains and during a 10 month mission on the Moon traveled about 6.5 miles. Over 20,000 photos from the surface of the Moon were taken.
In 1973 the Russians would put Lunokhod 2 onto the surface of the Moon.
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Lunokhod 1 |
Tuesday, 11 November 2014
Astronomy Scrapbook Tuesday 11th November 2104
November 11th 923 Arab astronomers observe eclipse of the Sun
The Arab astronomer Abu al Hassan Ali ibn Amajur observed a total solar eclipse of the Sun from modern day Iraq. This eclipse was not visible in Britain.
November 11th 1572 Tycho Brahe observes Supernova in Cassiopeia.
The Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe the last of the great pre- telescopic astronomers first observed the bright star in the constellation of Cassiopeia. Today we now know it was a supernova. This is a star that destroys itself in a massive explosion. Although he was not the first to see it Tycho observed it continuously until it faded from view, hence its name today is Tycho's Star. Astronomers refer to it as Supernova SN1572.
Little Gnome Weather Fact #6 Armistice Day and Mushy Peas
November 11th 1938 How good weather and a promotional flight ended up in court.
November 11th
1938 and a Captain Michelmore is under contract with the mushy pea manufacturer
Batchelor’s to advertise their product by trailing a banner behind his biplane
aircraft over Manchester.
Poor weather
had grounded him in previous days. His contract says that he must contact Batchelor’s before each flight. However in those days phones were often not reliable and he cannot contact Batchelor’s.
On this day
the weather is good so at mid morning he takes off but he has forgotten one detail, at the stroke of 11.00 o’clock the crowd in Salford`s main square bow their heads and remain silent to
commemorate armistice day.
At precisely
this moment Captain Michelmore arrives overhead with the aircraft engine
roaring and the banner telling people to ‘Eat Batchelor’s Peas’
The two
minute silence finishes and Batchelor’s head office is jammed with complaints.
An action
for defamation and breach of contract follows. The case sets a precedent for
recovery of damages in breaches of contract cases.
Little Gnome Weather Fact #5 St Martin's Day
November 11th is St Martin's day.
According to weather folklore
According to weather folklore
If ducks do slide on St Martins day at Christmas they will
swim, if ducks do swim at St Martins day at Christmas they will slide.
Wednesday, 29 October 2014
Little Gnome Weather Fact #5
October 29th 1932 Arctic Football
In sleet, snow, thick mud and an Arctic wind Blackburn Rovers play Sheffield United in the old football first division. The game is tough for both players and supporters. During the second half the match is suspended for 10 minutes to allow players some respite.
However when the game resumes the referee losses consciousness, but a sterner made linesman takes over. The weather is so bad that 3 Sheffield United players refuse to return to the pitch. Blackburn went on to win 3-0.
The weather was not only bad in Blackburn at Blackpool 5 Chelsea players had to leave the field suffering from exposure.
In sleet, snow, thick mud and an Arctic wind Blackburn Rovers play Sheffield United in the old football first division. The game is tough for both players and supporters. During the second half the match is suspended for 10 minutes to allow players some respite.
However when the game resumes the referee losses consciousness, but a sterner made linesman takes over. The weather is so bad that 3 Sheffield United players refuse to return to the pitch. Blackburn went on to win 3-0.
The weather was not only bad in Blackburn at Blackpool 5 Chelsea players had to leave the field suffering from exposure.
Monday, 13 October 2014
Astronomy Scrapbook Monday 13th October 2014
October 13th 1914 Apple bridge Meteorite.
At 8.45 pm on the evening of October 13th 1914 in the early days of World War 1 a meteorite landed at a farm near Appleby Bridge close to Wigan in Lancashire.
A bright fireball and a loud explosion was reported from Manchester, Liverpool, Halifax, Northwich, Bolton, Macelesfield, plus many other towns.
The meteorite which was of a stone type weighed 15 kg. It was the second largest meteorite that has struck England. The largest being the Wold Cottage meteorite in the East Riding of Yorkshire which weighed 28 kg and landed in 1795.
The meteorite was recovered the following morning by workman from a field at Halliwell Farm near Appleby Bridge where it had landed.
Very few people thought it might be a rock from outer space, most thought it was caused by a bomb dropped from a German Zeppelin airship which was attacking England.
At 8.45 pm on the evening of October 13th 1914 in the early days of World War 1 a meteorite landed at a farm near Appleby Bridge close to Wigan in Lancashire.
A bright fireball and a loud explosion was reported from Manchester, Liverpool, Halifax, Northwich, Bolton, Macelesfield, plus many other towns.
The meteorite which was of a stone type weighed 15 kg. It was the second largest meteorite that has struck England. The largest being the Wold Cottage meteorite in the East Riding of Yorkshire which weighed 28 kg and landed in 1795.
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Cast of the Appleby Bridge Meteorite |
The meteorite was recovered the following morning by workman from a field at Halliwell Farm near Appleby Bridge where it had landed.
Very few people thought it might be a rock from outer space, most thought it was caused by a bomb dropped from a German Zeppelin airship which was attacking England.
Sunday, 12 October 2014
Astronomy Scrapbook Sunday 12th October 2014
October 12th 1964 First 3 man space craft in space.
The Russian spacecraft Voskhod 1 became the first craft to take 3 people into space. The crew comprised of Vladimir Komarov, Boris Yegorov and Knostantin Feoktistov. Boris Yegorov a doctor and Feoktisov a scientist were the first scientists to have taken part in orbital flight. The mission lasted one day.
The Russian spacecraft Voskhod 1 became the first craft to take 3 people into space. The crew comprised of Vladimir Komarov, Boris Yegorov and Knostantin Feoktistov. Boris Yegorov a doctor and Feoktisov a scientist were the first scientists to have taken part in orbital flight. The mission lasted one day.
Wednesday, 8 October 2014
Little Gnome Weather Fact #4
Frost and the October Moon?
According to weather lore if there is no frost on the night of the full Moon in October there will be no frost until the full Moon in November.
Will we be frost free until November?
According to weather lore if there is no frost on the night of the full Moon in October there will be no frost until the full Moon in November.
Will we be frost free until November?
Little Gnome Astronomical fact # 12
The Hunter`s Moon
Today the Moon is full, in some parts of the world there will be an eclipse of the Moon. This full Moon is known as the Hunters Moon.
All full moons have their own names they usually can be traced back hundreds of years to the monastic period of English history.
Last month we saw the Harvest Moon, many hundreds of years ago farmers used the light from the Moon to help get their crops harvested. This month they would use the moonlight to go hunting with their bow and arrows and spears to kill animals, they would cure the meat so they would have food over the winter months.
Today the Moon is full, in some parts of the world there will be an eclipse of the Moon. This full Moon is known as the Hunters Moon.
All full moons have their own names they usually can be traced back hundreds of years to the monastic period of English history.
Last month we saw the Harvest Moon, many hundreds of years ago farmers used the light from the Moon to help get their crops harvested. This month they would use the moonlight to go hunting with their bow and arrows and spears to kill animals, they would cure the meat so they would have food over the winter months.
Tuesday, 7 October 2014
Little Gnome Astronomical Fact #11
October 7th 1959 First pictures of the far side of the Moon.
The first time people had ever seen the far side of the Moon was revealed on October 7th 1959 when the Russian probe Luna 3 took this grainy black and white image.
The first time people had ever seen the far side of the Moon was revealed on October 7th 1959 when the Russian probe Luna 3 took this grainy black and white image.
Astronomy Scrapbook Tuesday October 7th 2014
October 7th 1964 SYNCOM 3
On this day SYNCOM 3 is used for the first time for a trans Pacific transmission of television pictures between the USA and Japan prior to the covering of the Olympic Games opening on October 10th.
On this day SYNCOM 3 is used for the first time for a trans Pacific transmission of television pictures between the USA and Japan prior to the covering of the Olympic Games opening on October 10th.
Tuesday, 30 September 2014
The Astrognome #2, Mars Today pod arrives in York
Astrognome Arrives in York
The red
planet has arrived in York in the form of the Astrognome’s MARS TODAY pod. It
will be on display at the National Science Learning Centre at the University of
York during October and November.
Mars Rover |
There is also
a one sixth scale model of the International Space Station Astrognome pod. In
2015 Tim Peake will become the first Briton to visit the ISS.
one sixth scale model of ISS |
Details of
all Astrognome exhibitions can be found at
Thursday, 25 September 2014
Astronomy Scrapbook Thursday 25th September 2014
September 25th 1795 discovery of R CrB
September 1795 The Sooty Star
This star now known as R CrB was discovered to variable by Edward Pigott while living in the city of Bath.
Pigott had worked with John Goodricke in the 1780s in York where they became
the ‘Fathers of Variable Star Astronomy’. After Goodricke`s death in 1786 Pigott
move to Bath to continue his astronomical work.
R Crb is the
prototype of a small class of rare variables stars that remain at maximum
brightness and then suddenly and unexpectedly fade from sight. When R Crb is at
its brightest it can easily be seen with binoculars. Then it will begin to fade
in brightness for a few weeks until binoculars are not powerful enough to find it
and a telescope is required to see the star.
It is
believed that clouds of carbon form around the star, then condenses and blocks
the light as it turns into a ‘soot cloud’. Later when the cloud clears the star
returns to its normal brightness, until
the next time.
Thursday, 18 September 2014
Astronomy Scrapbook Thursday 18th September 2014
September 18th 1965 Comet Ikeya-Seki discovered
One of the brightest comets of the last 1,000 years, the comet was discovered independently within 15 minutes of each other by the amateur Japanese astronomers Karou Ikeya and Tsutomu Seki.
The comet is of the sun grazing group type of comets. At its brightest Ikeya Seki had a magnitude of -11,its tail was 40 degrees long.
One of the brightest comets of the last 1,000 years, the comet was discovered independently within 15 minutes of each other by the amateur Japanese astronomers Karou Ikeya and Tsutomu Seki.
The comet is of the sun grazing group type of comets. At its brightest Ikeya Seki had a magnitude of -11,its tail was 40 degrees long.
Wednesday, 17 September 2014
The Astrognome #1 17th September 2014
The Mars
Today pod part of the Astrognome`s Mars exhibition can be seen at the European
Space Agency`s Education centre in the STEM centre at the University of York
from October 1st until the end of November.
This pod
shows a Mars rover exploring the surface of the planet against a painted back- scene
of the Martian surface. Watch a film of NASA`s Curiosity rover as it explores
Mars. In addition to the graphic panels much more information can be found on touch screen computers.
The pod
which is full size measures 4 metres square but they can be designed to fit the
floor space in any museum or science centre.
In addition
there will be a one sixth scale model of a pod showing the International Space
Station (ISS) where Tim Peake will become the first British astronaut to visit
the ISS in 2015.
Kind Regards
Martin Lunn
For more
details please go to
Astronomy Scrapbook Wednesday 17th September 2014
September 17th 1764 the birth of John Goodricke.
Goodricke 1764-1786, One of the Fathers of Variable Star Astronomy
This is the
story of John Goodricke, one of the most talented astronomers of all time. Deaf
from a very early age, he had a tragically short life but his contribution to
astronomy was immense.
Goodrickes were an English aristocratic family with an ancestral home, Ribston
Hall, near Knaresborough in North Yorkshire. John was born in Groningen,
Holland on September 17th, 1764 to Henry and Levina. Sadly, after an illness
early in his life, the infant John was found to be deaf.
In the early
1770s John’s parents returned to England and settled in York. The young John
was sent to Edinburgh to a school for deaf children run by Thomas Braidwood. We
have little information about this part of his life; it is possible he learnt
to lip read and probably to speak as well. Sign language had not yet been
devised. In 1778 he was sent to the Warrington Academy, a famous Dissenting school
which had no special provisions for children with disabilities.
It was at
the Warrington Academy that he developed a great interest in mathematics, science
and astronomy. After three years he left Warrington to live in the Treasurer’s
House near York Minster, now in the keeping of The National Trust. It was here
that his astronomical career was to begin. His astronomical journal started on
November 16th 1781.
A year earlier a distant cousin had also moved
to York. Edward Pigott lived with his father Nathaniel in a house that survives
to this day as No. 33 Bootham. Edward and his father were both astronomers.
Together John
Goodricke and Edward Pigott forged a partnership that would push back the frontiers
of astronomy. Not only would they make
discoveries but like true scientists they would try to explain them, and their
five year partnership would make York one of the astronomical centres of the
The two
astronomers came together in 1781, a few months after William Herschel
discovered the planet Uranus from his home in the city of Bath. The scientific
community was abuzz with all things astronomical. They must have seemed an odd
couple; Goodricke, a deaf youth of just 17, and his older cousin Pigott who,
having spent much of his life living in France, liked to dress in the
flamboyant French style.
The Pigott’s
observatory has been described as the third best private observatory in England,
while Goodricke observed from a room in the Treasurer’s House using a small
Pigott and
Goodricke knew of a star in the constellation of Perseus called Algol, or Beta
Perseus. The constellation depicts Perseus holding the head of the Medusa. Algol marks the eye of the Medusa.
As far back
as 1669 astronomers had noticed something odd about this star. It is what we
refer to today as a variable star, because it varies in brightness. The world
Algol means ‘The Winking Demon’. Goodricke
observed the star and recorded that it remained at its brightest for 2 days, 20
hours, 45 minutes, and then faded away for about 10 hours before recovering again
to its normal brightness. Goodricke’s observations came very close to modern
estimates, even though he had only his eyes and a clock to work with.
As Goodricke
couldn’t hear the clock ticking, a servant beat out the seconds with a finger
so he could accurately work out the time. Goodricke was obsessed by precise
timing. When he was observing Algol from the Treasurer’s House and Pigott was
doing the same from his observatory in Bootham a few hundred metres away, he
worked out that if they used the chimes of the bells in York Minster, they
needed to allow for the extra time it took for the sound to reach Pigott.
and Pigott correctly deduced that there was another body orbiting Algol, causing
the light to vary. They believed that it could be a planet; we know today that
it was another star. Today astronomers find planets around other stars using
the principles put forward by Goodricke and Pigott. Their ideas were over two
hundred years ahead of their time.
Goodricke was only nineteen in 1783 when he wrote to the Royal Society about
his observations and thoughts on Algol. He
was deaf and unknown outside of York, but Edward Pigott moved in the right
circles and knew everyone of importance in astronomy. He contacted his friend the
Astronomer Royal Nevil Maskelyne and soon Goodricke’s work was published.
The effect
on the astronomical community was electrifying. All over the country people
were observing Algol and Goodricke was awarded the Copley medal by the Royal
Society, the highest award they could give.
and Pigott had made a remarkable contribution to variable star astronomy and this
was just the start of their endeavours.
September 10th
1784 would become a night to remember in York, with not just one but two new variable
stars being discovered. Goodricke found Beta Lyra in the constellation of Lyra
(the Lyre), while Pigott was discovering Eta Aquila in the constellation of
Aquila (the Eagle).
indefatigable Goodricke was to discover another variable star, Delta Cepheus in
the constellation of Cepheus (the King), on October 24th 1784. This star is of
immense importance today as it is a prototype for the Cepheid type variables
which are used to determine how far away galaxies are. Goodricke could never
know of the importance of this star to astronomy.
More reports
were sent to The Royal Society. Astronomers in London must have wondered what
on earth was going on in York!
Goodricke’s short
life was nearly over. He was made a fellow of the Royal Society; a most
prestigious honour for someone so young, but never knew about his election
because he died on April 20th 1786, two weeks before the letter arrived. He was
only twenty one, and observing the night sky in the very cold conditions of the
time probably contributed to his death from pneumonia.
Pigott moved
to the city of Bath where he continued observing the night sky and in 1795 he
discovered the variable stars R Corona Borealis and R Scutum. I have christened
Goodricke and Pigott ‘The Fathers of Variable Star Astronomy’.
Saturday, 13 September 2014
Astronomy Scrapbook Saturday September 13th 2014
September 13th 1902 Crumlin Meteorite fell.
On the 13th September 1902 a meteorite weighing 9 pound and 5 and a half ounces landed at Crosshill Farm ,Crosshill which is a mile north of the village of Crumlin, County Antrim, Northern Ireland.. The meteorite is 7 1/2 inches long, 6 1/2 inches wide and 3 1/2 inches thick. The meteorite was sen to fall by people picking apples in the fields.
The Crumlin meteorite is the largest stone which has been seen to fall from the sky to the British Isles for eighty-nine years, and is larger than any which has fallen in England itself since the year 1795.
On the 13th September 1902 a meteorite weighing 9 pound and 5 and a half ounces landed at Crosshill Farm ,Crosshill which is a mile north of the village of Crumlin, County Antrim, Northern Ireland.. The meteorite is 7 1/2 inches long, 6 1/2 inches wide and 3 1/2 inches thick. The meteorite was sen to fall by people picking apples in the fields.
The Crumlin meteorite is the largest stone which has been seen to fall from the sky to the British Isles for eighty-nine years, and is larger than any which has fallen in England itself since the year 1795.
Astronomy Scrapbook Saturday 13th September 2014
Sept 13th 2006 Pluto relegated to dwarf planet.
On the 13th September 2006 the planet Pluto was relegated by the International Astronomical Union to the status of a dwarf planet.
Pluto was discovered by Clyde Tombaugh in America in 1930 and became the solar system`s 9th planet. However astronomers suspected that Pluto which was a long way from the Sun and was also very small There doubts right from the beginning as to whether it was a planet or large asteroid.
In 2005 the trans neptunium object now known as Eris was discovered, it was slightly larger than Pluto. Astronomers had to decide whether to classify Eris as a planet or dwarf planet.
They decided on the latter, because they assumed many more objects the size of Eris would be discovered in the future and we could very easily end up with a solar system containing many dozens of planets.
On this basis because Eris was larger, Pluto was re classified as a dwarf planet.
On the 13th September 2006 the planet Pluto was relegated by the International Astronomical Union to the status of a dwarf planet.
Pluto was discovered by Clyde Tombaugh in America in 1930 and became the solar system`s 9th planet. However astronomers suspected that Pluto which was a long way from the Sun and was also very small There doubts right from the beginning as to whether it was a planet or large asteroid.
In 2005 the trans neptunium object now known as Eris was discovered, it was slightly larger than Pluto. Astronomers had to decide whether to classify Eris as a planet or dwarf planet.
They decided on the latter, because they assumed many more objects the size of Eris would be discovered in the future and we could very easily end up with a solar system containing many dozens of planets.
On this basis because Eris was larger, Pluto was re classified as a dwarf planet.
Tuesday, 9 September 2014
Astronomy Scrapbook Tuesday 9th September 2014
September 9th 1658 an early Isaac Newton experiment
A 16 year old boy in Lincolnshire amuses himself trying to calculate the the wind`s force. First he jumps with the wind, then directly against it. After measuring the length of each leap, and comparing it with the length he can jump in still weather, he rates the storm in feet.
Isaac Newton claims that this is one of his earliest experiments.
A 16 year old boy in Lincolnshire amuses himself trying to calculate the the wind`s force. First he jumps with the wind, then directly against it. After measuring the length of each leap, and comparing it with the length he can jump in still weather, he rates the storm in feet.
Isaac Newton claims that this is one of his earliest experiments.
Monday, 8 September 2014
Little Gnome Astronomical fact # 11
A Night to
Remember in York Sept 10th 1784
Goodricke and Edward Pigott were two astronomers who lived in York during the
late 18th century and for a brief moment in time they made York one
of the astronomical centres of the world. It was on September 10th
1784 that a fantastic night in the history of astronomy occurred with not one
but two variable stars being discovered from York. They are the “Fathers of
Variable Star Astronomy”
The city of
York has been described as a snapshot of English history but the astronomical
part of York`s story if often overlooked.
They started
their observing careers by explaining the light variations of the star Algol in
the constellation of Perseus. Algol which marks the eye of the Medusa in the
sky is called ‘the winking demon’ and was known by astronomers to change in
brightness but they did not know why. Goodricke and Pigott correctly guessed
that the changes are due to the fat that there are two stars passing in front
of or eclipsing each other causing the light to change.
However on
the 10th September 1784 Edward Pigott discovered that the star eta Aquila was
changing in brightness he rushed over to Goodricke to tell him the exciting
news only for Goodricke to show him that the Beta Lyra was also varying. Until 1784 only four variable stars were
known to astronomers.
John Goodricke and Edward Pigott both came to
York in 1781 they were distant cousins, Goodricke was only 17 a deaf youth and
Pigott at 28 much older and having lived in France had a very flamboyant dress
style compared to Goodricke’s English conservative aristocratic style.
observed from his father`s house in Bootham, York, it was described as the 3rd best
private observatory in England, while Goodricke observed with a small telescope
from the Treasurers House near York Minster.
They not
only discovered that some stars change in brightness, they then as true scientists,
they tried to explain what was causing those changes. In fact some of their
ideas such as their conclusions regarding Algol are similar to those used today
by astronomers looking for planets around other stars. Their thinking was over
200 years ahead of their time.
would discover another variable star, delta Cepheus which is used by
astronomers today to work out the distances to galaxies. Pigott also discovered
a comet while in York.
Their partnership would only last for 4 years
Goodricke died in 1786 aged 21 probably from pneumonia he had been made a fellow
of the Royal Society for his work but sadly died before the letter reached him.
Pigott moved to city of Bath where he carried on his astronomical work.
There is
another anniversary concerning shortly, this will be the 250th
anniversary of the birth of John Goodricke on September 17th 1764.
Wednesday, 3 September 2014
Little Gnome Weather Fact #3
September 3rd 1928 How a cold day and an open window changed medicine for ever with a wonder drug.
On a cool day Scottish bacteriologist Alexander Fleming returns from holiday to discover piles of culture dishes with bacteria lying around, he left a window open in his lab, he notices that one of the dishes is contaminated with a greenish yellow mould . Fleming then notices that between the mould and the bacteria is a clear halo where the bacteria had not grown.
In a eureka moment he realises that the mould must be releasing a substance that is stoping the growth of the bacteria. Fleming names the active ingredient of his mould 'Penicillin' after the Penicillium notatum mould from which it comes.
On a cool day Scottish bacteriologist Alexander Fleming returns from holiday to discover piles of culture dishes with bacteria lying around, he left a window open in his lab, he notices that one of the dishes is contaminated with a greenish yellow mould . Fleming then notices that between the mould and the bacteria is a clear halo where the bacteria had not grown.
In a eureka moment he realises that the mould must be releasing a substance that is stoping the growth of the bacteria. Fleming names the active ingredient of his mould 'Penicillin' after the Penicillium notatum mould from which it comes.
Monday, 25 August 2014
Little Gnome Astronomical Fact #10
Alcock discovers his first comet.
Alcock of Peterborough England one of the greatest of all comet and Nova
hunters discovered his first comet on August 25th 1959. This was the
first comet discovered in Britain since 1894. Alcock would go on to discover 5
comets and 5 nova.
Astronomy Scrapbook Monday 25th August 2014
August 25th 1835 Great Moon Hoax
Even today it is unclear which of the Sun`s
reporters were responsible. We know that at first Herschel was amused saying
that more people were reading about him. However later
he became annoyed at having to answer such silly questions from people
regarding the Moon
It could have been an April`s fool joke but it was August. A series of
articles published in the New York newspaper the Sun regarding the supposed
discovery of life and civilization on the Moon.
discoveries were attributed to Sir John Herschel possibly the best astronomer
of the time and son of Sir William Herschel who had discovered the planet
Uranus in 1781.
Sir John was
observing at the Cape Observatory in South Africa and was completely unaware of
these stories. In the 1830s it took weeks for messages to travel from South
Africa to America by sailing boat.
The stories
told of fantastic animals on the Moon including bison, goats, unicorns and bat
winged humanoids who built temples. There were also oceans, trees and beaches
on the Moon.
These ‘discoveries’
were made using the most massive of telescopes using entirely new scientific
principles. The sales of the newspaper increased due to the stories. Eventually,
the authors said that the observations had been stopped by the destruction of
the telescope.
the Sun had caused the lens to act as a "burning glass," setting fire
to the observatory. It would take several weeks before people realised that the
stories were just a great hoax.
Sunday, 24 August 2014
Little Gnome Weather Fact #2
St Bartholomew's Day Weather Lore
August 24th is St Bartholomew day. There was a frost which is unusual for August, this does not bode well with the weather lore according to the St Bartholomew day predictions.
'If this day be begins with a frost the cold weather will soon come, and a hard winter will follow'.
August 24th is St Bartholomew day. There was a frost which is unusual for August, this does not bode well with the weather lore according to the St Bartholomew day predictions.
'If this day be begins with a frost the cold weather will soon come, and a hard winter will follow'.
Friday, 22 August 2014
Astronomy Scrapbook Friday August 22nd 2014
August 22nd 1852 the asteroid Fortuna discovered
August 22nd
1852 the asteroid Fortuna was discovered by J R Hind using a 7 inch Dollond
refractor at the George Bishop observatory in Regent’s Park London.
Fortuna is
asteroid number 19 and is named after the Roman god of luck. Fortuna has a
diameter of 225 km and is one of the larger asteroids in the asteroid belt
between Mars and Jupiter.
Thursday, 21 August 2014
Astronomy Scrapbook Thursday 21st August 2014
August 21st 1785 birth of George Bishop.
George Bishop (1785- 1861) was born on August
21st 1785 in Leicester he made his fortune as a wine merchant, but his great
passion in life was astronomy. In 1836
in the grounds of his home in South Villa in Regent`s Park, London he built an astronomical
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George Bishop' s Regents Park Observatory |
observatory was equipped with a 7 inch Dollond refractor. The Rev William
Rutter Dawes used the telescope from 1839-1844 until poor health forced him to
leave. In October 1844 John Russell Hind became the observatory`s astronomer.
Between 1847 and 1854 Hind discovered 10 asteroids
from the observatory, they were, 7 Iris, 8 Flora, 12 Victoria, 14 Irene, 18
Melpomene, 19 Fortuna, 22 calliope, 23 Thalia, 27 Eutepe and 30 Urania.
Another asteroid 29 Amphitrite was discovered
in 1854 by Albert Marth Hind`s young assistant.
After the
death of George Bishop in 1861, the observatory dome and instruments were moved
to Twickenham in west London to avoid the more polluted skies of the capital.
observatory operated until 1877 when the instruments and library were donated
to Royal Observatory at Naples.
The original
Regent`s Park observatory no longer exists.
Wednesday, 20 August 2014
Little Gnome Weather Fact #1
August 20th
1795 The Aeolian Harp and Samuel Taylor Coleridge
sitting in a garden in Somerset, the poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge listens to
the mysterious tones created by the Aeolian harp a stringed instrument played
by the wind alone. This ‘transposing of
the spirit of the wind’ inspires a poem.
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Samuel Taylor Coleridge |
‘And that
simplest lute, plac`d length-ways in the clasping casement, hark! How by the
desultory breeze caress`d, like some coy maid half-yielding to her lover, It
pours such sweet upbraiding’
Little Gnome Astronomical Fact #9
August 20th
1964 INTELSAT Formed.
The USA,
Australia, Canada, the UK, Denmark, France, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Spain,
and the Vatican City sign the International Communication Satellite System
agreement. Between 1964 and 2001 INTELSAT was an intergovernmental consortium
owning and managing a series of communication satellites providing
international broadcast services. The system was privatised in 2001.
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Earlybird being prepared |
Astronomy Scrapbook August 20th 2014
August 20th 1920 Nova Cygnus discovered
W F Denning
discovered Nova Cygnus 1920 on August 20th 1920 while observing from his home
in Bristol, England. At its brightest the Nova reached magnitude 1.8 which is
slightly brighter than the North Star.
today believe it was one of the brightest and fastest galactic nova observed.
It increased in brightness nearly 13.5 magnitudes and declined 3 magnitudes in
only 16 days.
A nova the
word means ‘new’ in Latin is a binary star system where two stars orbit close
to each other. One star which is hotter than the other will pull gas from its
companion onto itself. When enough gas hits the hotter star it sizzles or sends
out a shell of gas which makes the star become brighter, we see this and call
it a Nova. A Nova can repeat this process several times.
It is
believed that the star now called V476 Cygnus is about 4,000 light years away
and at its brightest was about 250,000 times brighter than the Sun.
Astronomy Scrapbook Wednesday 20th August 2014
August 20th 1977 Voyager 2 launched
Its mission was to
explore the outer planets of the solar system.
The Voyager
1 and 2 space craft were updated versions of the highly successful Mariner
space missions built by NASA.
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voyager 2 |
This is the
time line so far of Voyager 2
1977 Aug. 20
Voyager 2 launched from Kennedy Space Flight Center
1979 July 9
Voyager 2 makes its closest approach to Jupiter
1981 Aug. 25
Voyager 2 flies by Saturn
1986 Jan. 24
Voyager 2 has the first-ever encounter with Uranus
1989 Aug. 25
Voyager 2 is the first spacecraft to observe Neptune
Voyager 2 begins its trip out of the Solar
2007 Sept 5
Voyager 2 crosses Termination Shock
expected to enter interstellar space
2025 power
supply will probably fail
Tuesday, 19 August 2014
Little Gnome Astronomical Fact #8
Aug 19th
Kappa Cygnids reach Maximum
The Kappa Cygnids
meteor shower peaks on the 19th August, it has been regularly
observed since the middle of the 19th century, but it often gets
overlooked by people observing the Perseids. The average number of meteors is
about 6 per hour.
Although a
minor shower William Denning observing in the 1880s and 1890s was struck by
their speed, leaving a short streak and in many cases the nucleus bursting.
the Kappa Cygnids came so close to the Perseids it was only in the early 20th
century that the duration of the shower, from July 26th- September 1st
and its peak on the 19th August were recognised.
More Kappa
Cygnids are plotted than any other August meteor shower apart from the Perseids.
It is unclear if the meteor stream is absent some years due to the fact that
the shower has never been the focus of intensive observations.
Astronomy Scrapbook Tuesday 19th August 2014
August 19th 1960 Belka and Strelka return from Space
Strelka and
On August 19th
1960 the first creatures safely returned to Earth after being sent into space.
On board
Sputnik 5 were two dogs Belka (which means Whitey) and Strelka (Arrow) and there was also one grey rabbit, 42 mice, 2
rats and some flies that went up with them, all of which survived the mission
too. However it was Belka and Strelka that
had the most publicity.
Both dogs
were strays, both were female, Strelka would later have puppies and one Pushinka
(Fluffy) was given to Caroline Kennedy, JFK’s daughter. This was of course at
the height of the cold war.
mission paved the way for Yuri Gagarin in 1961 to become the first person to go
into space.
Monday, 18 August 2014
Astronomy Scrapbook Monday August 18th 2014
On August 18th 1877 the moon Phobos was discovered orbiting Mars
Discovery of
Phobos the
larger of the two small moons of Mars was discovered by the American Asaph Hall
at the U S Naval observatory in Washington on August 18th 1877. Hall
also discovered Deimos, Mars's other and smaller moon, a few days earlier on 12
August 1877.
They were
discovered because Hall`s wife Angeline Stickney Hall was convinced there were
moons orbiting Mars. She kept prodding her husband to search for the moons and
following her encouragement he finally he found them.
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Angeline Stickney Hall |
His wife
could not use the telescope to search for the moons because under the rules of
the day a woman was not allowed to be in the observatory on her own, it was
considered too dangerous and it was certainly not permitted for her to be on
her own with a male colleague in the observatory. This made life a little difficult for women astronomers in
the 19th century.
The moons
are very small and quite possibly are captured asteroids. The larger Phobos has
an enormous crater which is called Stickney after his Asaph Hall’s wife.
In an
uncanny prediction, Jonathan Swift’s satire Gulliver’s Travels published in 1726
refers to the astronomers of his fictional land Laputa having discovered two
moons of Mars.
It was 150
years after the publication of Swift’s book that two moons of Mars were
actually discovered!
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