Saturday, 11 September 2021

Will Hay, the White Spot on Saturn and Lamp posts

 The astronomer and comedian Will Hay who discovered the white spot on Saturn in 1933. The film star known for his playing of bumbling teachers or station masters, yet his work as an astronomer was unknown to most people, even his neighbours. 

 He discovered the white spot on Saturn using his 6 inch Thomas Cooke & Sons telescope. When he was interviewed by the press as well as outlying the astronomical work he undertook he also made reference to the problems of light pollution. He commented that :- 

He is delighted with his discovery for more than one reason. For some time he has been worrying Croydon council to shade the two lamp posts outside his house because their reflections interfere seriously with his work. He thinks that now perhaps they will realise that he is not just a funny man but someone of importance in the astronomical world.

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