Mercury Saturday 10th
December 1892
meeting of the members of the Leeds Astronomical Society was held on
Monday in the library of the philosophical Hall ark-row, for the
purpose for the purpose of submitting a scheme for the future conduct
of the society, and for the enrolment of members. Mr. Washington
Teasdale, F.R.A.S., occupied the chair, and amongst those present
were Mr. W. D. Barbour (treasurer). Mr. H. Stockwell (secretary), Mr.
S Jefferson, Mr. H. J. Townshed, Mr. D. Booth, Mr. E R. Blakeley
(Dewsbury), Mr. Marshall (Church Institute), Mr. Wm. Neil, and
At a
preliminary meeting of the committee of the society was decided to
invite Sir Robert Ball to become honorary President of the society,
and that Mr. Washington should continue to be the acting President.
—The Chairman said that they had recently held a meeting for the
purpose of forming an Astronomical Society, or rather reorganising
one which had formerly existed, for Mr Barbour had, fortunately,
preserved the record, the Astronomical Society which was formed 1859.
They were impelled to do so because had become aware that there were
in Leeds a number of students of astronomy who were sending their
communications to other societies which were in active existence.
society had only been a state of passive existence, and it was only
through the Journals of these outside societies that they had become
acquainted with each other as astronomical students. He then called
on the secretary (Mr. Stockwell), who read a letter from the "Leeds
Mercury Supplement." setting forth the objects of the promoter
of the meeting. He then read the minutes of two previous meetings,
these including the rules that hart been framed and agreed upon. The
Chairman said that he felt certain that in a little the value of an
astronomical society for Leeds would be thoroughly appreciated and
that if once they got established as a working society many would
join both in Leeds and the surrounding neighbourhood. They then must
promote cordial co-operation with other philological societies, for
the astronomer was now largely dependent upon the special knowledge
of workers in other branches of science, such as the geologist. the
chemist, the photographer, and so forth.—Mr. Barbour, who was
treasurer of the original society, gave some account of its
proceedings, mentioning that the fine telescope which was handed by
the members over to the Yorkshire College. dared say they could have
it back again if they asked for it- Mr David Booth, the next speaker,
said he quite agreed that a distinct society for the of astronomy be
formed for Leeds.
they got well established they could consider the question joining
the British Astronomical Association.—Mr. Townshend said he hoped
thev should he able to regain possession of the telescope and obtain
a suitable observatory.— Mr Blakeley said he wished to dispel a
very prevalent idea, that in order to study astronomy one must
necessarily possess a telescope. There was a great deal to study in
it without making any use philosophical instruments. A very great
deal could be seen with an ordinarily good opera-glass, such, for
example, as the satellite’s of Jupiter. Then meteorology was a
branch of astronomy. and their friend Mr. Booth, who was an eminent
meteorologist, would tell them that no optical instruments were
necessary in making meteorological observations.
hoped to be able to obtain a lumber of members from the Dewsbury
district. (Applause.)— Mr. Townshend mentioned that there was an
astronomical society at Sheffield, and that its members had the use
an observatory belonging to the Corporation of that town two days
every week. In reply to Mr. Barbour, he said that members of the
Leeds society could, if they so wished, have the use of that
observatory.—The Chairman mid it might be interesting to know that
the present Assistant Astronomer Royal, Mr. Turner, was a Leeds man.
(Applause.) Mr. Turner was also the secretary of the official
journal the Royal Astronomical Society. He (the Chairman) trusted
they should obtain lady members. (Hear, hear.) —Mr. John Roberts,
who was a member the old Leeds Astronomical Society, Mr. Brooks, and
other gentlemen having spoken, the proceedings terminated. Several
new members were enrolled.