Monday, 19 February 2024

The Micro Snow Moon on February 24th

 You have probably heard of the Super Moon, but did you know we also have the Micro Moon? The Moon takes around one month to orbit the Earth. Its normal distance from us is 239,000 miles. The Super Moon is when the Moon appears larger in the sky than normal because it is closer to us, but of course the opposite can also happen; occasions when the moon is further away than normal and we have a Micro Moon. On February 24 we will see the first Micro Moon of the year.

A Super Moon is less than 230,000 miles away while the Micro moon is more than 250,000 miles away. The discrepancy happens because the Moon does not orbit the Earth in a circle but in an ellipse or egg shape.

The Full Moon in February is called the Snow Moon. This is the month when we are most likely to see snow and have the coldest weather of the year.


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