Monday, 8 March 2021

Early Astronomical Society in Manchester in 1838?


Early Astronomical Society in Manchester in 1838?

I came across this reference to a possible very early astronomical society in Manchester which if correct  would predate that of the Leeds Astronomical Society which was founded in 1859 and I believe was the first astronomical society in England. I am sure that people in Manchester will know more about this.

Leeds Mercury Saturday 29th December 1838

Astronomical Society in Manchester.

A few days since a preliminary meeting consisting of a few gentlemen scientists was held for the purpose of establishing an Astronomical Society in Manchester, with a splendid observatory. James Heywood Esq brother of Sir Benjamin Heywood, has we believe, the merit of first suggesting the desirableness of such an institution. There is doubt, from what has already transpired, that the proposition will be liberally responded to.

Leeds Intelligencer Saturday 1th January 1839

A proposition has been started, and favourably received for an errection of an astronomical observatory in the vicinity of Manchster.

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