8th March 1807 birth of English telescope maker Thomas Cooke
Thomas Cooke 1807-1868
One of the greatest of all telescope makers, he started what would become the largest telescope in the world, the 25 inch Newall refractor, it was completed after his death . In addition to telescope he also built steam cars in the 1860s.
On This Day (2)
8th March 1964 End of radio experiments between Jodrel Bank and Zimenski Observatory
Jodrel Bank
Joint US/UK/USSR space communications experiments between Jodrel Bank and Zimenski Observatory came to an end today.
Zimenski Observatory Novgorod, Russia
Photo telegrams were bounced between the observatory's via the ECHO-2 balloon. During the past 9 days 34 tests were carried out.
Echo 2
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