Comet Trailes 1819
Leeds Intelligencer Monday 12th July 1819
following communication from Mr. Christie of the Royal Military
Academy, Woolwich, contains probably all that can be yet known of
this celestial phenomenon:—• “I first observed the comet,"
observes Mr. Christie, “last night (Saturday) a minutes before 11
o'clock, and judge that it came to the meridian about 12. Its
elevation above the horizon appeared about 10°, and the sun being at
the time nearly below, its distance from the sun cannot much exceed

night was remarkably light, and the moon uncovered by
clouds—circumstances extremely unfavourable to the brilliancy of
its appearance; and considering this, I should judge that, under more
favourable circumstances, its splendour would be equal to that of any
comet upon record—the head viewed with Capella (to the east of it)
in brilliancy. The length of the tail, which, when the comet was on
the meridian, pointed somewhat to the west of the zenith, extended
about 15degrees; and unlike the comet of 1811, it appeared to
proceed immediately from the nucleus.
viewed it for some time through an excellent small reflector, by
Watson, and observed, that the nucleus was much denser than that of
the former comet, and that there was no separation between it and the
coma, but that the body became gradually rarer, and in the upper part
expanded into the tail; which appearance may arise from a very dense
atmosphere surrounding the nucleus, and reaching to the rarer fluid
forming the tail, if there be any distinction between the two fluids,
as appears to have been the case with the comet 1811.
may observe, that this as in all other comets, the appearance to the
naked eye is much more striking and brilliant than through telescope.
The Comet passed the meridian below the Pole, at the Royal
Observatory, Greenwich, on Saturday, July 3, about midnight, when its
place was determined as follows :
right ascension 6h. 51m. 56S
polar distance, corrected for re fraction 43 d 18 m 47.s
Mean time of observation .12h 6m 56s
Comet was again observed on Monday night (July 5), but not till it
had passed the meridian, when the following observations was made :
right ascension . 7h. 0m 9s
North Polar Distance 43 d 34m 48s
time of observation 12h 36m 04s
was comet 1819 also known as Trailes comet that was discovered on
July 1st 1819 by the German astronomer Johann Georg
Trailes. The comet was an easy naked eye object reaching between
magnitude 1 to 2.