is often overlooked by observers because it is so close to the
constellation of Scorpius and Centaurus. Although the term Lupus
refers to a wolf, the Greeks and Romans regarded this constellation
as an unspecified wild animal held by Centaurus as an offering to the
gods. It appear to be during the renaissance period that the
connection with the Wolf seems to have become the common term to use.
Lupus lies in the Milky Way so it is very rich in stars.
is a magnitude 2.3, B1 class star with a temperature of around
21,000,C compared to that of 5,800,C of the Sun, it lies at a
distance of 460 light years.
is a class B2 star even hotter than alpha at 23,500, C it has a
magnitude of 2.7 and is 383 light years away. It will quickly use up
its supply of hydrogen and become a red giant before possibly
becoming a SN in the future.
is 420 light years away and shines with a magnitude of 2.8 it is a B2
class star.
magnitude 3.4 is 440 light yaers away and is an A5 class star.
also magnitude 3.4 and is a B2 class star lying 510 light years away.
are many clusters in Lupus but require small telescopes to see them.
the year 1006 a supernova appeared in Lupus, SN 1006 was probably the
brightest observed stellar event in recorded history, reaching an
estimated −7.5 visual magnitude and was roughly sixteen times the
brightness of Venus. Appearing between April 30 and May 1. The
Supernova was seen for about 3 months in the sky.
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